• 86-575-86281256
Production & Quality Control

Slewing Bearing

Slewing bearings can take thrust load, moment load and radial load. Our slewing bearing can be divided into three types: ball type ,roller type and ball-roller type. In structure, the bearing can be single-row, double row or triple-row. Type of structure, there are single-row, double-rows and three-rows. In power transmission, the bearing can be with gear teeth (on outer ring or inner ring) and without gear teeth. In dust and grease proof, they can be with seals or without seals. In mounting convenience, they can be with flange or bolt bores or without. Our slew bearing OD is from 300mm to 5,000mm.


轉盤滾針滾柱輪轂的軸承也是種會而且能承受極大的支承用電負擔、徑向用電負擔和傾覆扭矩等整體剪力,集支承、拖動、傳動傳動部件、一定等種特質于滿身的專項 格局的超中小型滾針滾柱輪轂的軸承。般原因下,轉盤滾針滾柱輪轂的軸承身均中有裝有孔、防銹油和密封膠傳動部件,能夠 充分考慮各樣不相同載荷狀態下運作的各樣主機箱的不相同實際需求;另外問題,轉盤滾針滾柱輪轂的軸承身兼有格局緊奏型、指引拖動方面、裝有簡易和服務器維護很容易等特質,被豐富用到起重吊裝運輸物流機制、開采機、建筑施工項目 機制、港口查詢機制、風能發電站發電站、醫療衛生設備、雷達天線和火箭彈使用架等超中小型退回傳動部件上。

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