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  • CMI will take part in 2016 China International Bearing Industry Exhibition (Booth no.: C303)
  • Date:2016-07-01   Vistor: 18065
  • 2016 China International Bearing Industry Exhibition (the 15th session) will be held in Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center from September 20 to 23, 2016. Covering an area of 55000Sq.m. with estimated nearly 1000 exhibitors and 60000 visitors will gather together. During the exhibition, Shanghai International Bearing Summit Forum, the connection between production and demand, and a series of technical seminars will be held accordingly. Discuss about the development trend of bearings market and case studies.

    China International Bearing Industry Exhibition, since it first held by China Bearing Industry Association in 1990, has passed more than 20 years and been more mature and internationalization. By the year of 2014, the 14th session, the exhibition area reached to 53000Sq.m. which gathered 869 exhibitors from 17 countries and regions and many of them are world famous enterprises. The exhibition has become the world largest fair in the field of bearing industry and provided the best platform for business talking. The four days show attracted more than 55000 professional visitors from 50 countries and regions.


    第九五屆我國時代國際軸承型號名詞解釋專門的史詩裝備展示出來會將于16年九月份14日至23日為“上海市世博展示出來館”會議通知。拔冗,55000一平米米的展示出來場地上匯集來自五湖四海中國各市的近千萬家工廠與60000多名次的國外外群眾聚齊一堂課。50個各國和沿海地區的采購招標商拉新在展示出來館展開商業貿易洽談會,期限三天的展示出來會是開展業務商務洽談聯席會、談判策略的適宜工作平臺。 展覽會這段時間內還將舉行活躍繁多活躍,舉行活躍“2016國際上的滾針滾動軸承互聯網大會”和“的滾針滾動軸承和主機系統客戶的系統及茶葉茶葉市場對接的活躍”,“客戶新軟件上傳會”等,淺談的滾針滾動軸承茶葉茶葉市場的全新發展進步未來趨勢及新系統app等。
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